Hello, I am Rosette! In 2015 the concept of ROSETTE’S was born, as my husband, Dr. Tro, was beginning his weight loss journey. Prior to this moment, I didn’t understand the health impact of excessive sugar and processed carbs. I grew up fairly active without any weight issues, but was surrounded by multiple family members that were diabetic. They took their medicine and continued to eat their sweets, all good right? Except, not quite.
Seeing the effects of sugar and processed carbs on my husband, children and family members with diabetes, made me realize that there is a need for better desserts in the market, so I traded in my ESQ. for the title of CEO. ROSETTE’S offers baking mixes instead of a finished dessert because I believe that there is something special about baking with or for others and creating priceless memories in the process! Favorite Mix: It changes with the seasons! Currently the Coconut Macaroon (with Chocolate Chip as a close second). Favorite Mix It Up: Rainbow Cookie using the Classic Yellow Cake Mix and traditional Linzer Cookie using the (No) Sugar Cookie Mix.

Hello, I am Natalie! While I enjoy cooking up a full menu, I am a prime example of a novice baker, (un-apologetically) lacking the discipline and patience required for baking. I’ve kept a healthy lifestyle for most of my life, but my sweet tooth and gluten sensitivity heavily kicked in postpartum. Rosette was well into recipe exploration by then and would prepare mixes for me so I can have better choices available for my family. I was amazed not only with how quickly my view for baking changed, but how quickly I noticed a change in my overall well-being and energy with the elimination of sugar and grains from sweets alone. Partnering with Rosette to share these mixes with others was a no-brainer. I experienced firsthand how baking can be made simple, clean and delicious without being mutually exclusive — all while providing a confidence and ease of experience to now want to bake up something sweet for my family.
Favorite Mix: Pistachio Shortbread, there's nothing quite like it.
Favorite Mix It Up: A toss up, PB&J Thumbprint Cookies using the Peanut Butter Cookie Mix and Italian Butter Cookie using the (No) Sugar Cookie Mix.